[CASL-L] Library Staffing Survey--Why do they attack libraries? Stamford needs Special Ed. Paras or else they will take Library Paras!

George, Mary MGeorge at StamfordCT.gov
Wed Jan 8 11:39:50 PST 2020


Stamford school library staff is under attack again!  The district is threatening to take all library media paraeducators (assistants) next year with leaving 1 at each high school as they are in desperate need of special education paraeducators/assistants.  If you know anyone looking for a job, Stamford is looking for 30+ Special Education positions!  In the meantime, feel free to let us know your current school enrollment & library staff numbers as well as any comments that might be helpful.


Also, let's try to get people to sign up for the Stamford Special Education Paraeducator positions.

Post the position below on facebook, share/like this facebook post<https://www.facebook.com/mary.r.george.35/posts/10100987484041046>, like/retweet my Twitter post, <https://twitter.com/shslibrarylearn/status/1205860069000306688> like/share my Linkedin post<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/maryraphaelgeorge_frontline-applicant-tracking-stamford-public-activity-6611622042024321024-MPQF>, like/comment on my instagram<https://www.instagram.com/p/B6L730alsxoeIyUT5c320YXrRAKrqTor94u2zw0/?igshid=sdy0zjibvimt> post, or compose your own or email or text people who might be interested in applying--grassroots!


<http://www.generalasp.com/stamford/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Paraeducators&fbclid=IwAR32F_LdaUoYJQZE-PYwCN0UGodZsXV4Gh3AcwG3h0qTSypzSIFFgT-cql0#.XfTqZU1fbQk.gmail><http://www.generalasp.com/stamford/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Paraeducators&fbclid=IwAR32F_LdaUoYJQZE-PYwCN0UGodZsXV4Gh3AcwG3h0qTSypzSIFFgT-cql0#.XfTqZU1fbQk.gmail>(Para positions)

And if they do not have a college degree which is required for an interview they can take the ParaPro Test and still be eligible!



Anyone who needs a job is welcome to email me and I would be happy to assist them in this process:  mgeorge at stamfordct.gov

Mary Raphael George
Stamford High School
mgeorge at stamfordct.gov
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