[CASL-L] planners, topics and so much more!

Elizabeth Doran shutterbug5253 at uri.edu
Mon Aug 2 10:41:04 PDT 2021

Hi everyone!

Hope you all enjoyed your summer. I have 17 days before I jump into the
deep end and start my career in Bridgeport as the Librarian for New
Beginnings Family Academy.  I have some questions:

What planners do you all use? My school is k-8

This library does not have a mission statement or policies so I know that
this will come eventually.

My classes are 30 minutes once a week, what can you get done in thirty

Also, I know I know this answer but I am drawing a blank. I think our
school should belong to CLC so that we can borrow books from Middletown
right? Is there any information about joining this program and why it's

I'm sure that I will have more in the coming days, If anyone would like to
chat, my # is 203-412445, or please feel free to send me ideas.

Many thanks! This Year is going to be AWESOME!

Beth Doran
URI Grad!
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