[CASL-L] book locations in library

Musket, Kimberly kmusket at wallingfordschools.org
Wed Nov 17 08:28:28 PST 2021

I'm in the process of weeding my biography section. I'm trying to decide
how I want to set things up so students are most likely to use them.

Right now, I have nonfiction graphic novels near the fiction graphic
novels. As I'm going through biographies, I'm finding some biographies that
are graphic novels. I was thinking about keeping the biography graphic
novels in the biography section but in their own space in that
section....maybe. What are your thoughts on this?

Another question, do people separate memoirs from biographies?

Thank you for your help, once again.


Kim Musket
School Librarian
James H. Moran, Sr. Middle School

Currently reading:
*Yusef Azeem is Not a Hero *by Saadia Faruqi

Current listening to:
*Sal and Gabi Break the Universe *by Carlos Hernandez

Recently finished:
*Planet Earth is Blue *by Nicole Pantelleakos
*Cog *by Greg Van Eekhout
*Out of My Mind *by Sharon Draper
*Quidditch Through the Ages *by J.K. Rowling and illustrated by Emily
*Fire from the Rock *by Sharon Draper
Wink by Rob Harrell
*Pet *by Akwaeke Emezi
*Marcus Vega Doesn't Speak Spanish *by Pablo Cartaya
*You Don't Know Everything, Jilly P! *by Alex Gino
*Genesis Begins Again *by Alicia D. Williams
*Emmy in the Key of Code *by Aimee Lucido
*The Shattered Castle *by Jennifer A. Nielsen
*The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise *by Dan Gemeinhart
*Good Enough *by Jen Petro-Roy
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