[CASL-L] Fwd: My Friend Doesn't Have a House - debut for CT author Maggie Spadaro

CASL President president at ctcasl.org
Mon Jul 22 14:30:22 PDT 2024

Please excuse the duplicate posting.

Dear members of the CASL community,

It is always exciting to welcome a new CT author and this book sounds like
an important one to add to your collections. Maggie Spadaro is a graduate
of Stonington High School and is currently in the school of social work at

Her work with children from different socio-economic backgrounds, including
those who live in shelters, inspired her to write a book to promote empathy
around housing insecurity and so that students could see themselves
represented in a story. *My Friend Doesn’t Have a House* is published by
Cove Publishing LLC in Mystic, CT and available through Ingram, Amazon,
Barnes & Noble and Bookshop.

For more information, visit Cove Publishing.

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