[CASL-L] Fwd: Your product has been added to the LearnCommunity library!

Barbara Johnson bajohnson at colchesterct.org
Sun May 19 14:50:21 PDT 2024

Fun fact, this has just been added to the Learn platform for use with
This is a personal AI assistant...

I have several other apps/websites I have requested through the platform...
Let me know if you would like to know how!

I do this instead of asking for a privacy policy signed with Colchester so
that Everyone can use the tool once they sign on to the platform OR if they
have signed on with other states...

Have fun!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: LearnPlatform Support <support-lp at instructure.com>
Date: Sun, May 19, 2024, 5:43 PM
Subject: Your product has been added to the LearnCommunity library!
To: <bajohnson at colchesterct.org>

Hi Barbara Johnson,

The product you requested, *HeyPi* (product name may vary in the
LearnCommunity Library), has now been added to the LearnCommunity library!

Make sure to:

   - Request this product for approval
   from your organization
   - Help other educators find the right tool for their classroom by
   grading this product

Happy to help with any questions you may have,

*LearnPlatform Support*
support at learnplatform.com
[image: LearnPlatform]

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