[CASL-L] This week in CT Libraries: 5.28.24

Ellen Paul epaul at ctlibrarians.org
Tue May 28 06:45:14 PDT 2024

Good Morning CT Libraries, here's what's going on this week.


It is a quiet week.  No roundtables.

Are you coming to CLC's Annual Meeting<https://www.ctlibrarians.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1853974&group=>?  It's June 20th at the Russell Library.  Doors open at 2:30.  In addition to voting on new board members, we'll be passing our budget and dues for next year.  We'll be unveiling our new three year strategic plan.  Hope to see you there!


Stratford BOE votes to keep a 'handful of librarians.'<https://www.ctpost.com/news/education/article/stratford-boe-budget-alternative-ed-librarians-19472129.php>

Plans for a renovated Kent Memorial Library (in Kent, not Suffield) draw rave reviews!<https://www.rep-am.com/localnews/2024/05/27/kent-library-renovation-plans-draw-rave-reviews/>

Somers launches a seed library.<https://thereminder.com/local-news/a-seed-library-opens-within-somers-public-library/>

New carpet in Norwalk, they're also looking for a new café vendor. <https://patch.com/connecticut/norwalk/first-floor-norwalk-public-library-be-closed-2-days>  And here<https://www.thehour.com/news/article/norwalk-library-cafe-vendor-replacing-carpet-19469815.php>.

A nice profile of Scott Brill, the new director in Milford!<https://www.ctinsider.com/westport/article/milford-library-director-brill-huntington-westport-19469782.php>

Shelton's Huntington Branch opens with a new fresh look!<https://www.sheltonherald.com/news/article/shelton-huntington-library-branch-reopen-19462921.php>

Former FBI Director James Comey stops by the Westport library to talk about his new book:  Westport. <https://www.ctinsider.com/westport/article/westport-library-james-comey-book-19468135.php>

If you or your library is in the news and I miss it, drop me a line!

Have a good week,

Ellen Paul (she/her/hers)
Executive Director
Connecticut Library Consortium
234 Court Street

Middletown, CT 06457
www.ctlibrarians.org<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ctlibrarians.org%2f&c=E,1,ZkdEuAO9X8kx6i2bwJdIHympEDcIOdtgnHLxwS23dihDwNI1IBrXt4iMZ3jfrSeZhqqFRGxzqL4JnGpeh9jRkwJ4KzILj8FbrUFnZ129QPOOrqc,&typo=1>  e: epaul at ctlibrarians.org<mailto:epaul at ctlibrarians.org>
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"The libraries of America are and must ever remain the homes of free, inquiring minds. To them, our citizens--of all ages and races, of all creeds and political persuasions--must ever be able to turn with clear confidence that there they can freely seek the whole truth, unwarped by fashion and uncompromised by expediency."  Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953

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