[CASL-L] Fwd: Legislative update 2.15.25

CASL Vice President vicepresident at ctcasl.org
Sat Feb 15 14:05:51 PST 2025

We appreciate every action you take to support this important legislation
for our students as well as our profession in Connecticut. Read below for

~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013

Please excuse the duplicate posting:

Here is the Feb. 15 update:

Dear CASL members,

Wow, what an experience it was for those of us who were in person and/or
remote for the 2/13/25 public hearing for SB 1271

Biggest takeaway from Thursday night: we need to keep going!
Let’s continue to inform legislators that CT residents

overwhelmingly support SB 1271.

During the public hearing, oral testifiers in favor of SB 1271 were
thoughtful and eloquent, modeling civil discourse for those listening and

The Save School Librarians page
has over 860 people who sent letters! If you haven’t already signed it,
PLEASE sign that letter now. Let’s keep sharing it with friends and family
in Connecticut. Let’s get to well over 1000 quickly! Share this link (
widely with people in your network who support students’ freedom to read.
That link will automatically email signers’ legislators. Hopefully this
bill gets to a point where it will be voted on by all legislators.

The written testimony submitted so far overwhelmingly supports SB1271 (Over
80% written testimony supports; less than 18% opposes!!!) - You can review
written testimony here
Pay attention to the bill numbers on the page.

What can you do NOW to continue to show your support for SB1271?

Submit written testimony as soon as possible. Here’s how:

>From the CT Library Association website:

“Thank you for joining the Connecticut Association of School Librarians,
Connecticut Library Association, Connecticut Library Consortium, and
EveryLibrary in advocacy efforts during the 2025 Legislative Session.
Following are directions on how to submit written testimony”: Submit
your written
testimony here

Remember to:


   Select "2/13/2025 3:00 PM" from the "Hearing Date and Time" dropdown.

   Select "SB01271 - AAC SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES" from the "Bill
   Number(s)" box.

   Include your first and last name, as well as any other pertinent
   information (e.g. title and org/agency) (You can be anonymous. You do not
   have to put your title or organization in).

   Be sure to choose in SUPPORT

   Proofread your testimony, then upload your file and submit!

As always, we thank you for your support and persistence.

Questions or concerns - Email to president at ctcasl.org


Jenny, Val, & the CASL Board

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