[CASL-L] This week in CT Libraries: 2.17.25

Ellen Paul epaul at ctlibrarians.org
Mon Feb 17 13:51:22 PST 2025

Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.


New Directors Roundtable<https://www.ctlibrarians.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1903241&group=> meets on Wednesday to talk about the political aspects of being a director.

And the New Librarians<https://www.ctlibrarians.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1903241&group=> Roundtable meets Thursday to talk about building relationships in your community.



  *   There is a new (second) ebook bill, this time in the Planning and Development committee:  HB 6958<https://cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=HB-6958>.  There will be a public hearing on Wednesday at 10:30.  Find the agenda, links to sign up to testify or to provide written testimony here<https://cga.ct.gov/2025/PDdata/pha/pdf/2025pha00219-R001030PD-pha.pdf>.
  *   No news on S.B. 1234<https://cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&which_year=2025&bill_num=1234>, which is currently in the Government Administration and Elections Committee, since the public hearing two weeks ago.

  *   State Librarian Deborah Schander will meet with the Appropriations Committee on Thursday and public testimony on the State Library budget will be the same day in the afternoon.  No link to testify yet.
Freedom to Read

  *   SB 1271<https://cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=SB-1271>: An Act Concerning School and Public Libraries had a public hearing on Thursday.  It went 3pm to midnight with lots of folks speaking for and against the bill.  You can see the full hearing here<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBm_ID3QLtk>.  Some news about the hearing below.


Darien Schools remove book from the curriculum but not from school library. <https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/darien-banned-book-mama-s-nightingale-20040728.php>

CSCU Chancellor grilled by the legislature about misspent public dollars while libraries have been shuttered.<https://ctmirror.org/2025/02/11/terrence-cheng-cscu-spending-audit/?utm_source=Connecticut+Mirror+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=167812af60-CT+Mirror+Morning+Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_571d22f8e4-167812af60-68456041&mc_cid=167812af60&mc_eid=5308d4a985>

A few pieces on SB 1271 Democrats push 'Don't Ban Library Books Act'<https://www.wtnh.com/news/politics/democrats-push-dont-ban-library-books-act/> on WTNH.  On Fox 61 Connecticut Lawmakers Debate Who should choose what children read - parents or librarians?<https://www.fox61.com/video/news/local/connecticut-lawmakers-debate-who-should-choose-the-books-children-read-the-librarian-or-parents/520-90aa9a15-81e0-4992-9fbe-2ed9130b0616>  And in CT News Junkie:  Democrats Promote Bill to Prevent Book Banning and Protect Librarians<https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2025/02/15/democrats-promote-bill-to-prevent-book-banning-and-protect-librarians/?>.

After years of trying, CT Lawmakers thing they have the right bill to save libraries money on e-books.<https://www.nhregister.com/politics/article/connecticut-bill-library-e-books-publishers-20154344.php>

Southbury opens in a new temporary location at the Heritage Hotel.<https://patch.com/connecticut/southbury/southbury-public-library-opens-temporary-location-heritage-hotel>  And here<https://www.middletownpress.com/waterbury/article/southbury-ct-library-flood-heritage-hotel-closed-20158973.php>.

New Haven residents happy that NHFPL was open despite the bad weather. <https://www.newhavenindependent.org/article/snapshots_of_a_library_after_a_snowstorm>

Because the media can't get enough of stories like this:   Avon man returns overdue book from 1979 to town library.  <https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/avon-man-returns-overdue-book-from-1979-to-town-library/3496475/>  What I find interesting, though, is not that the book was returned but what book was returned.

Old Southington Library demolished to make way for additional library parking for the new building.<https://www.registercitizen.com/recordjournal/article/southington-library-demolished-20158997.php>

Nicole from the Essex Library appeared on WTNH to talk about making STEM glow-in-the-dark valentines! <https://www.wtnh.com/video/how-to-make-glow-in-the-dark-valentines-day-cards/10443476/>

Seriously, drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I've missed it!  The google news aggregator is so much worse than a few years ago when I started this project.  I find myself having to go news outlet to news outlet to make sure I haven't missed anything...

Have a good week,

Ellen Paul | Executive Director
Connecticut Library Consortium

860-344-8777 | www.ctlibrarians.org<http://www.ctlibrarians.org/>

Buying things for your library?  Remember to ask for your CLC discount.  Find out how to get started here.<https://www.ctlibrarians.org/page/bidcontracts>
Need a login to our website?  Find out how here. <https://www.ctlibrarians.org/page/connect>

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