[CASL-L] Fwd: One Week Away: February AI Community of Practice Meeting

Laura Hedenberg lhedenberg at barkhamstedschool.org
Fri Feb 21 04:23:01 PST 2025

FYI for anyone interested in AI.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Skills21 Team <info at skills21.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 12:43 PM
Subject: One Week Away: February AI Community of Practice Meeting
To: <lhedenberg at barkhamstedschool.org>

Greetings Laura,

This is a quick reminder that our next AI Community of Practice meeting,
hosted by the RESC Alliance, is just around the corner! Join us virtually
on Thursday, February 27th, from 3:15 to 4:30 PM.

We’ll begin with updates on recent AI developments in K-12 education,
followed by 30 minutes of breakout sessions for focused, topic-based
discussions. This session, along with previous meetings, will be recorded
and available on the RESC Alliance AI Community of Practice webpage

If you’ve already registered, great! If you have not yet registered, please
use the registration link here

Need a little AI inspiration before the COP? Listen to the latest episode
of ChatEDU
*The Kids Are Not All Right - Teens, Trust and AI*. And in tomorrow's
episode, Taking the Wheel - How Students and Teachers Are Driving AI in
Schools, we cover a very cool national consortium working on AI in

Feel free to reach out to Liz Radday at radday at edadvance.org with any
questions. We look forward to engaging conversations with you next week!

Very best -
Matt Mervis and Liz Radday, EdAdvance
Luke Forshaw, CES
Michele Gohagon, ACES
Pamela Santerre, LEARN
Josiah Hills, CREC
Gary Petersen, EASTCONN

Laura Hedenberg
*Library Media Specialist*
*Barkhamsted School*
*"By not running from the books that pain us, we can allow them to
transform us."  Dr.  Ibram X. Kendi*

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