[CASL-L] Google Reverse Image Search and YouTube access

Wicks, Katrina kwicks at windsorct.org
Wed Feb 26 09:15:45 PST 2025

Hi Tess,
For reference, linked here is a copy of the *Core Google Workspace Service
as described in the Services Summary
into the services agreement that CT districts have with Google Workspace
for Education. Neither Google Lens nor YouTube is listed in the Services
Summary as a Core Service. Districts were informed earlier in 2024 that
Google has a new policy that starting March 2025, users under 18 won’t be
able to access Additional Google services
<https://admin.google.com/ac/appslist/additional> as listed in the Google
Admin Console that don’t have parental consent confirmed. In order to
comply with this new Google policy, districts are turning off access for
students to any Google product that is not covered in the *Services Summary

As a teacher, it is frustrating to lose access to tools that you use with
students. While a workaround for YouTube is to embed a YouTube video that
you want to share with students into a Google Slide, I am not familiar with
a replacement Google Lens-like tool that does not require a student to
login. But if there is another Google-Lens-like tool available that is
compliant with CT State Student Data Privacy laws, I'm confident that
someone on the CASL-listserv knows about it.


Katrina Palazzolo Wicks
Instructional Technology Specialist
860-687-2000, x1270
kwicks at windsorct.org
Classlink <https://launchpad.classlink.com/> (Sign in with Google)

☆ I will be out of the office from March 17-May 19, 2025.
Place a Support Ticket

Windsor Public Schools  |  601 Matianuck Avenue  |  Windsor, CT 06095

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 11:11 AM Tess Mawhinney-McCool <
tess.mawhinney at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning!
> Students are no longer able to access YouTube in our district, and they
> are not able to do a reverse image search using Google Lens. I'm told it's
> because both fall outside of our privacy agreement. I'm waiting for
> clarification about whether or not the privacy agreement is specific to my
> district or if it's the state privacy agreement. In the meantime, I'm
> wondering if anyone else is having this issue. To be clear about Google
> Lens, students are not able to reverse image search by right clicking or by
> copying an image URL and searching it in Google Lens.
> Thank you!
> Tess
> Suffield High School
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