[CASL-L] Fwd: Free Prom Dress Event @ the Farmington Libraries

Jenny Lussier jlussier at rsd13.org
Fri Mar 7 06:15:21 PST 2025

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sage Gentry <SGentry at farmingtonlibraries.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Free Prom Dress Event @ the Farmington Libraries
To: melissa_thom at whps.org <melissa_thom at whps.org>, jlussier at rsd13.org <
jlussier at rsd13.org>

Hi Melissa and Jenny!

It was great getting to see you both at Nerd Camp this past weekend! In
case you don't remember me, I am the Teen Services Librarian at the
Farmington Libraries (and was the CLA Co-Chair for the Children's Section
in 2022-2024), and my colleague and I have been working on providing a free
prom dress program for high schoolers—I was wondering if this was something
you'd be able to forward along to those who might be interested or those
who might know those who are interested. Our event is drop in, from
9:30am-4:30pm on March 15th. First come first serve. We will have light
snacks, free dresses, and a giveaway! I've attached a poster with a QR code
to sign up for a reminder!

Best wishes,

Sage Gentry (she/her)

Teen Services Librarian

Farmington Libraries

CASL President

FB: @mrslussierslibrary, Twitter: @jluss, Instagram: mrslussierlibrary


Jenny Lussier

Library Media Specialist

Brewster and John Lyman Elementary Schools

jlussier at rsd13.org

Visit us at: Brewster website <http://brewster.rsd13ct.org> and John Lyman
website <https://lyman.rsd13ct.org/>

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