From: American Association of School Librarians <>
Date: June 22, 2017 at 11:03:44 AM EDT
To: Irene <>
Subject: June Knowledge Quest Conference Edition
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June Knowledge Quest Conference Edition
AASL empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
Don’t Miss Out on Early-Bird Registration Rates
Don’t miss out on early-bird registration rates for the upcoming AASL National Conference & Exhibition, November 9–11, in Phoenix. AZ. The early-bird registration deadline is August 17. AASL’s new standards will be unveiled during the conference. Conference registration also includes:
- More than 100 concurrent sessions
- Three general sessions
- Access to the IdeaLab
- Entrance to the Conference Celebration
- First-Timers’ Orientation
- Entrance to the exhibit hall
Register today for the leading professional development event for school library professionals!
Explore School Library Best Practices in the IdeaLab
Explore best practices in school librarianship in the IdeaLab on Thursday, November 8, from 1–3 p.m. The IdeaLab features collaborative projects leading the way in school library development. Attendees can browse learning stations with video displays on topics including blended learning, flipped classrooms, national standards, STEM/STEAM, technology integration, and many others.
Clear your schedule Thursday afternoon to discover the best and brightest in school library practices with the IdeaLab.
Check Out the AASL Makerspace in the Exhibit Hall
Considered a “recreational center for the mind” the AASL Makerspace in the Exhibit Hall will provide an opportunity for participatory learning along with a fun takeaway for all attendees. Attendees will have the opportunity to see how they can set up a makerspace in their school library that supports the school curriculum. Come see featured exhibitors including Bosch-Dremel, Follett, Mackin, and more to be announced.
Check out the AASL Makerspace in the Exhibit Hall.
Make Time for Author Events at National
The AASL National Conference & Exhibition offers attendees multiple opportunities to interact and learn from their favorite authors. The "Authors in the Afternoon" session on Thursday features three best-selling and award-winning authors: The "Author Meet & Greets on Saturday provides attendees a chance to “speed date” authors of children and young adult books. Attendees have the choice of participating in a session with authors of elementary, junior, or high school books.
Additional registration fees are required for both events.
Don't miss out on meeting your favorite authors at the Author Events.
Reserve Your Space for Preconferences and Tours Today
Whether you’re interested in delving into the new AASL standards or exploring the local schools and sites, the AASL National Conference & Exhibition has you covered. The AASL National Conference & Exhibition features numerous preconferences and tours for attendees to get the most out of their visit to Phoenix.
Preconferences will examine a set of the standards from AASL’s new standards publication: standards for learners, standards for school librarians, and standards for school libraries. The ESLS Symposium will also focus on the new standards. All AASL preconference participants will receive a copy of the AASL Standards publication as part of the workshop or symposium registration fee.
School and Cultural Tours are also available for attendees looking to explore outside the convention center. The School Tours feature schools at every grade level, as well as public and independent schools; while the Cultural Tours explore the art, architecture, botanical gardens, and local flavor of Phoenix.
Space for preconferences and tours is limited, so reserve your space now!
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