Supporting Librarians in Adding Data Literacy Skills to Information Literacy Instruction (an IMLS grant) has just created a free ebook Creating Data Literate Students, a guide to integrate the “reading” and “writing” of data in your library program (read or download pdfs of chapters here). 


Registration is open for a second series of webinars about data privacy, big data, citizen science scheduled for July 20-21 conference between 12-5pm Eastern (scroll down for archive of first year webinars).


FYI, here's a IMLS funding report for each state including total dollars and counts of IMLS grants and awards  Take a moment to see what these wonderful grants have enabled!






Debbie Abilock


Smart tools, smart research, smart teaching


Abilock, Debbie. “From a Foot in the Door to Being There: Leadership along a Professional Development Continuum.” Libraries Unlimited-ABC CLIO, 2017.

SLC Column “Friction