If Manchester is not near you, come to the Google Summit in Stamford CT.  Lots of Google session and I am presenting 3D printing for Novices.  Here is the link for the Stamford Summit




Linda Marchisio

Library Media Specialist

Stamford High School

Stamford, CT 



From: CASL-L [mailto:casl-l-bounces+ljclsj=cox.net@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Loretta Sullivan
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 8:39 AM
To: KRISTINE P. EMOND <emond.kp@easthartford.org>
Cc: CASL-l@mylist.net
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Edtech Team Summit for Google for Education - Manchester in October


Hi Kristine & CASL members,


The summit is absolutely worth the time and money if you can make it.  We have hosted it for a few years now and there is something for everyone.  You tailor your schedule to what fits your needs the most.  You walk away with so many new ideas, strategies and technology apps to use with all types of classes.  There are also additional resources that are provided to you and it's a great chance to do some networking.  It is highly organized and lunch is provided (Panera Bread).  I hope you all can make it!



Loretta Sullivan

Library Media Specialist

Manchester High School



"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."

                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 4:26 PM, KRISTINE P. EMOND <emond.kp@easthartford.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,


I received an email promoting an Edtech Team Summit featuring Google for Education 2 day PD event at Manchester High School in October.  The cost is high, but my administrator is looking for PD pertaining to Google.  Here is what was sent:


Want to know more? Go to https://events.edtechteam.com/connecticut2017 for more information and to register.


Summit Flyer: https://goo.gl/c2wB8J


Has anyone ever been to one of these?  I am trying to determine if it would be worth it to go. 




Kristine Emond

Library/Media Specialist

East Hartford High School

East Hartford, CT 06118


"You can be too rich and too thin, but you can never be too well read or too curious about the world." - Tim Gunn

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