On Monday, August 21, 2017 10:04 AM, American Association of School Librarians <> wrote:

KQ Express – August 21, 2017
AASL empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

August 21, 2017

CASL Stands Up 4 Students
If you missed AASL’s most recent Adovcacy and Legislation Coalition Call, you can view the recording now. August’s call featured the AASL Affiliate California School Library Association presenting their newly launched advocacy campaign Stand Up 4 Students. To view upcoming call dates or listen to recorded calls visit

Enhance Your School Library Practice with AASL Webinars
Looking to enhance your school library practice? Check out the following upcoming webinars from AASL:
  • Aug. 22: Now I'm a Tweep--What's Next?
  • Aug. 29: AASL Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2017
  • Sept. 12: Beyond Book Readings: Building Science Literacy with Hands-On Activities
  • Sept. 28: Common Core Education Resources and Websites & Google Classroom
Start your school year off right by registering for these upcoming AASL webinars!
New SLR Article Examines the Development of Reading Lists
A new article detailing the results of a small-scale study exploring the design and use of reading lists by UK school librarians and teachers is now available in AASL's peer-reviewed online journal School Library Research (SLR). In their article, “UK Preparatory School Librarians’ and Teachers’ Design and Use of Reading Lists: A Qualitative Study of Approaches, Perceptions, and Content,” Rebecca Scott and Charles Inskip report the findings of their qualitative study that explored the perceptions and approaches used by UK school librarians and teachers in the design and use of reading lists.

Member Spotlight

Kristina Holzweiss Named among 20 to Watch from NSBA
Kristina Holzweiss, school library media specialist at Bay Shore Middle School in Bay Shore, NY, is featured on the National School Boards Association (NSBA) list of 20 to Watch Ed Tech Leaders. Kristina established a nonprofit organization, Long Island LEADS, whose mission is to offer opportunities for educators, librarians, museum directors, nonprofit organizations, parents, and students to learn, educate, advocate, develop, and support STEAM education and the maker movement.
Submit a Member Spotlight
Have you been recognized for your work as a school librarian, received an award, published a book or article, or received another industry accomplishment? Submit a Member Spotlight today!


Education News

FCC Extends Net Neutrality Comment Period to Aug. 30
The FCC announced it would extend the public comment period on its proposal to roll back a 2015 order protecting net neutrality for an additional two weeks. This phase of the process is supposed to allow for ‘replies’ to arguments raised by other commenters. Submit comments via ALA’s action alert.

Department of Education Seeks Changes to 3 States’ ESSA Plans
US Department of Education officials have requested that officials in Arizona, North Dakota and Vermont revise plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act, according to letters released by the department. Sixteen states and Washington, D.C., have submitted plans, and of those, four have been approved.

Feds May Open ESSA Testing Pilot in 2018-2019
The US Department of Education is considering opening the Every Student Succeeds Act pilot in the 2018-19 school year to allow seven states to try new forms of testing as part of their federal accountability requirements. Knowledge of the pilot already has spurred several states to reassess their testing systems.

Benefits of Digital versus Print Unclear
The benefits of digital versus print reading formats are unclear, according to an analysis published in the Review of Educational Research. Researchers found format has little effect when reading to get the "gist," of a text, but format can have an effect when reading for detail or comprehension.
Advocacy Takeaway: Use this interesting topic to open a dialogue in your school about literacy and the different skills required for print and digital content. Share this article from Principal magazine, written by AASL members Ann M. Martin and Kathleen R. Roberts.

Digital Badges Show Students Master Soft Skills
Students and teachers in some school districts are earning digital badges that demonstrate they have mastered soft skills. April Moore, director of educational technology in a California school district, says students begin earning badges as early as elementary school as part of the district's college- and career-readiness program.
Advocacy Takeaway: Want to incorporate badges into your program? Here are two AASL Best Websites that offer the opportunity for students to earn badges, one characterized as a “virtual scouting troop” and one that combines social networking with reading and book sharing.

Why Aren’t More Girls Mathletes?
Data show girls generally are underrepresented in math competitions. Researchers from MIT looked at gender trends in math competitions and found that peer pressure may be one reason for the gender gap. Other experts suggest outdated stereotypes also contribute to the trend.
Advocacy Takeaway: A great way to collaborate with your technology and math educators is to start a Girls Who Code club in your library – get a free kit and resources to start.

How ESSA Could Advance STEM
Four key policies included in states' plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act could help advance science, technology, engineering and math education, according to a report conducted on behalf of the nonprofit Overdeck Family Foundation. The report asserts that states should seek to use ESSA funding to promote STEM.

Are Students Addicted to Their Phones?
Chemicals in the brain associated with anxiety may be contributing to the increasing amount of time individuals spend on social media, according to a study of college students. Researchers found that college students are spending more time on their devices.

Most Talked-About KQ Blog Posts

"But My Principal Won't Let Me! Leadership, Advocacy, & Some Rebel Yell from the Library" by Angie Miller

"Bridging the Divide between School Librarians and School Administrators" by Scott Beck

"Deliberate Thinking about Climate and Other Controversial Topics" by Connie Williams

"5 Creative Book Display Ideas (without wall space)" by Ashley Cooksey

Resources for School Librarians

5 Tips for Raising Funds for Tech Supplies
Educators increasingly are using online platforms to help raise funds for classroom supplies. In this article, several educators share their tips, including Sarah Dill who used an online gift exchange on Reddit to secure technology tools for her classroom, Jenny Abamu writes.
Strategies to Improve Students’ Reading Skills
Teaching students to be metacognitive can help them develop stronger reading skills, assert Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers, experts in brain-based teaching and leading. In this blog post, they share several tips to help teach metacognitive skills.

4 Strategies to Boost Interest in STEM
Science, technology, engineering and math lessons should be about doing, asserts Larry Plank, director for K-12 STEM education for Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida. In this blog post, he shares strategies for hands-on, inquiry-based STEM experiences.
4 Techniques to Improve Learning
The creators of the popular Coursera course, "Learning How to Learn," in this article share four techniques to help people learn. The techniques include taking a break after a 25-minute span of focused work and practicing.

Finding Success with Personalized Learning
Farhat Ahmad, who teaches at-risk students at an alternative school in Georgia, implemented mastery-based assessments and digital devices to personalize instruction for each learner. In this commentary, Ahmad writes that this tailored approach is boosting academic and emotional outcomes among these struggling learners.
Active Learning Works Best
Fourth-grade teacher Ashley LaGrow describes her classroom as "controlled chaos." In this commentary, she describes why active learning -- in which students are moving and engaged -- works best for the students in her class.

3 Ways to Leverage Tech in Literacy Lessons
School librarians can use technology to engage students in reading and literacy, asserts Sheryl Parker, a library media specialist at a middle school in Alabama. In this commentary, she shares three ways she leverages technology.

How to Make PBL Work
Breaking project-based learning into three parts -- planning, implementation and support -- can boost educators' comfort levels and feelings of success when implementing PBL, asserts Teri Fleming, a science, technology, engineering and math curriculum and professional-development director. Fleming and two other educators highlight strategies for PBL.
Learn to Code--Change the World
To request a FREE Girls Who Code Starter Kit, including tips for leaders, giveaways for members, club signage, and more, fill out this form.

Partnership & Collaborator News

Report Details How States Are Including Science in ESSA Plans
Achieve released a new brief examining ways in which the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) supports science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Achieve’s analysis of submitted state ESSA plans, which focused particular attention on science, reveals a number of different ways states have proposed incorporating STEM initiatives moving forward.

New Paper Underscores Why Students Need 24/7 Broadband Access
CoSN issued a new paper for education leaders, titled “School-to-Home: Understanding Why 24/7 Access to Broadband is Essential to Student Learning. The paper, which is part of CoSN’s Digital Equity and Smart Education Networks by Design (SEND) Initiatives, gives school leaders guidance to improve digital access in their communities.

Future Ready Schools Free PD Events
Future Ready Schools (FRS) is building on the success of its summits by offering FRS institutes. FRS institutes are free two-day professional development events designed to support the growing network of FRS professionals who are implementing personalized digital learning. The institutes will help build a regional network with your peers so you can work together in real time, get feedback, and find support to take your next steps toward personalizing learning.

2017-2018 NEA Read Across America Resource Calendar and Poster Now Available
Bring the celebration of reading and literacy into your classroom and school all year long and get ready to celebrate the 20th anniversary of NEA’s Read Across America! The 2017-18 resource calendar is now available. Order yours today!
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