

Good Morning!

I am so excited to announce that the 2017 CASL/CECA Pre-Conference will be a mini-MakerMeetup!


Don’t miss this opportunity to Play, Hack, and Learn from some of the most innovative Librarians and Tech Experts in the State!


Highlights will include Sketchnoting with Kathy Schrock, exploring Digital Literacy with Steve Dembo, playing at the MakerMeetup Playground (Bloxels, Finch Robots, Keva, STEAM Challenges…and MORE. Oh, My!), competing in a Tweets and Treats contest (yes, this means prizes!) and EATING (YES, there will be food!)


Interested? Register today, there are package pricing options still available! 


Questions? Concerns? Email me directly! Happy to help!


Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Digital Library Advisory Board Chair

CT Association of School Librarians Vice President

CECA Board of Directors

EBSCO School Library Advisory Board

#MakerMeetup2017 Organizer


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