Google Forms
Hello all! Now that school is underway we will also be getting ready to write new teacher evaluation goals for the new year. At CECA/CASL on Monday October 30th, I will be presenting a playground titled "Planting the SEED: Effective Goals for Teacher Librarians".

Below is a link that I am using to gather information about goals teacher librarians use. Please consider sharing your goals. Your submissions will help fuel discussions about effective goal setting.

I understand that by October 30th most of us will have already submitted our goals for the school year. This form contains an option to request early access to the uncompiled data that I collect. This data may help you plan your goals for this year. It will be presented in October in a more polished and guided format.

Please consider sharing goals you've used in the past. Whether they were effective or less-than-ideal, we learn more from each other than we can achieve working in isolation. I hope to hear from you all and I look forward to discussing this in person on Monday October 30th.

If you have any problems, questions, or concerns about the questions on this form please let me know. I would like this to work as seamlessly as possible for you all.

Thank you!
Library SLOs
Hello! My name is Jennifer Rocca and I am a teacher librarian at Brookfield High School in Brookfield, CT.

At the CASL/CECA Conference on October 29-30, 2017, I am working collaboratively with other teacher librarians to discuss goals that we use in our unique roles under the CT State SEED model of teacher evaluation. My objective is to gather goals other teacher librarians have used as the spring board for conversations around how we are evaluated.

If your district does not use the SEED model then I hope to discuss other evaluation systems with individuals at the conference in October. I hope to see you there.

The form below is a data gathering tool for information about teacher librarian goals. While all questions are, of course, optional the more information you can provide, the more fuel we have for our conversations about choosing appropriate and meaningful goals and assessments.

Please consider sharing information about your SLOs and IAGDs so that we can work together and learn from each other as we develop appropriate and meaningful goals for ourselves and for our students.
Create your own Google Form