Hello all.

I have a couple of questions relating to data security/privacy and am hoping that you might be able to help guide me in the right direction.

1. Is there a website I could go to in order to find a list of companies that have submitted the required written agreements per Public Act 16-189?  I would like to find a way to check that companies that teachers are using have completed this requirement.

2. Along the same lines...do any of you have written policy detailing how your district complies with this law?  My district is looking at creating a more formalized policy and I would love to see what other districts are doing.

3. What are your thoughts on classroom data being posted in hallways?  I know FERPA comes into play, although I'm not as familiar with CT-specific laws and regulations.  Any specific reading suggestions?

Thank you!

Ariel Wander
Library Media Specialist
West Haven Schools