Hi CT library land,

I'm inviting Alex London back to speak with grades 3-5 because he was so great and all my students who had him are in middle school now. I had parents requesting that he come back so their younger child(ren) could experience his visit. For those of you had don't know of him, he writes under C. Alexander London for children and Alex London for YA. I'm wanting to have him visit the week of April 23, 2018. He has a picture book coming out in March 2018 so he will speak to K-12. When he previously visited, he visited one of the high schools in West Hartford and the public library to rave reviews. I heard the same about a visit to a private school. At our high school, he spoke about his YA and adult books as one deals with child war refugees which is definitely still a timely topic.

I'm curious if anyone else wants to host him that week. He won't charge extra for hotel/transportation if we can book more than one school that week so all you would have to cover outside of the visit is his lunch. He also does family nights and public library talks.

I've seen/hosted plenty of author presentations and his is one of the best I've seen. He specifically writes with reluctant readers in mind because he hated to read until 5th grade. He tells students this in his presentation. I had some of my most reluctant readers want to read his books after his visit. He has written two Thirty Nine Clues books, but my favorite is his The Wild Ones series. He also sells well at our Scholastic book fairs.

Check out his website for more info: http://www.calexanderlondon.com/

If you're interested in hosting him, I can send you a​​ breakdown for pricing and visit structure. I am attaching his visit brochure for you to browse if you'd like.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Sarah Lynch, National Board Certified Library Media Specialist
Wolcott Elementary- West Hartford Public Schools
71 Wolcott Rd., West Hartford, CT 06110
Telephone: 860-561-2300 Ext. 3638

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