One of the fundamental tenets of librarianship is preservation. However, there is a delicate balance between preservation and the practical limitations of existing space. As space becomes a valuable
and often limited commodity for libraries, weeding or the “right-sizing” of library collections is a constant. We can no longer retain and keep multiple copies of the latest best sellers for years or keep materials “just in case.” As libraries focus on becoming
gathering spaces, there is a demand to provide more collaborative space and to reduce the footprint of underused print collections. Therefore, it has become more important to ensure that when “right-sizing” or weeding the library collections, we are doing
it with our patrons in mind. Public libraries need to make sure that they don't over–weed in areas of community interest. Academic and school libraries need to ensure that weeding doesn’t interfere with providing materials that are necessary for curriculum
and research.
Registration and Refreshments
9:30 - 10:30
Join us as we spend the morning discussing the fundamentals and best practices of weeding or “right-sizing” library collections at academic, public and school libraries. Get useful tips about making
the best decision for your library collections while providing the best print collections possible to your community or campus. We will start with the fundamentals and provide attendees an opportunity to try out their weeding skills and discuss the factors
they use to make the big decision about whether something stays or goes.
The second half of the morning will provide attendees the opportunity to learn from CT librarians and the various weeding projects that they have encountered. The panel of libraries will provide
a look at tackling this process from different library types, formats and genres. Panelists include:
Kristina Edwards, Acquisitions Librarian, Central Connecticut State University
Kyle Lynes, Reference Librarian, University of Hartford
Kate Soboleva, Adult Services Librarian, Bethel Library
Linda Williams, Children’s Services Consultant, Div. of Library Development, CT State Library
Note: If you have questions or require special accommodations for this program, please contact Gail Hurley, Technical Services Section Chair, no later than September 29, 2017 at or 860-704-2222