
We have a request from one of our teachers.  Please see below.  Any ideas?  Greatly appreciated...!  Thanks for any and all input.

"I'm co-teaching Macbeth in a sophomore honors class this quarter. We're mostly reading the play in class, but I'd love to give the students something to read at home as well.

Ideally, I'd like five or six books (variety of writers, protagonists, etc) that relate in some way to the theme of power/ambition or that in some other way have an interesting connection with Macbeth.

I've scoured the book room for books that relate that maybe no one teaches anymore, but haven't found much. I pulled A Separate Peace, Athletic Shorts, Othello, and Hamlet. Those are all male protagonists, all written by white men, etc. Like Water for Chocolate crossed my mind (war, mysticism), as did Carter Beats the Devil (power, the supernatural).

Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."
                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges