Michelle Luhtala at New Canaan HS is AMAZING! The school is 1:1 and has been for a few years, as far as I know. Check out the NCHS library website and shoot her an email: https://www.ncps-k12.org/Page/1813

Keely Norton
Library Media Specialist
Scofield Magnet Middle School
"Work hard. Be kind."

From: CASL-L [casl-l-bounces@mylist.net] on behalf of Tietjen, Katherine [ktietjen@easthamptonct.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 2:09 PM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] schools with well-established 1:1 programs

I’m interested in learning from other schools that have successfully rolled out 1:1 programs and especially ones that have established student help desks or similar set-ups where students help troubleshoot/ do repairs for other students. Let me know if you work in or are aware of any schools that might let a small group of media specialists visit. Thanks!


Katie Tietjen

Library Media Specialist

East Hampton High School

(860) 365-4030 ext. 1070


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