
Registration closes on Wednesday, February 28th at Midnight!

Why should you attend?

Do you need resources, support or have questions about material challenges and intellectual freedom Samantha Lee, MLS, Head of Reference, Enfield Public Library and CLA Intellectual Freedom Chair, is attending our Unconference. 

Do you have questions about Nutmeg or Charter Oak Book Award programs?  Committee chairs will be in attendance to chat with you.

Are you or your patrons utilizing the services available through the State library? Find out more from Eric Hansen, eGO and researchIT CT Coordinator, who is participating in our event.

Do you subscribe to Scholastic Digital Products and want to learn about best practices or would you like a free trial to demonstrate the features for staff?  Paul Davis and Scholastic staff will be available to assist you.

Have you ever heard John Schumacher or Donalyn Miller speak in person?  If yes, then you most likely already signed-up for the Reading Summit hosted by Scholastic Book Fairs which will be held this summer in Greenwich.  If you have not...then come to our Unconference and chat with a representative from Scholastic Bookfairs to learn how you can register. You don't want to miss it!

Does your district have a membership with CLC? Are you taking advantage of all the discounts and services provided through a membership? Come to the Unconference to chat with a representative from CLC and see how much you can save

Would you like an overview of the new AASL Standards?  Shelley Stedman, CASL President, will show free resources for your use as you begin incorporating them into your practice

Are you interested in learning more about Makerspaces?  Keynote speaker, Kristina Holzweiss will host a hands-on maker session.

The price of admission is worth it just to hear: A SCHOOL LIBRARIAN'S SURVIVAL KIT: 10 WAYS TO SAY YES! presented by Kristina A. Holzweiss

Plus prizes, food, free books, and time to build professional relationships!  That's what the Share 2 Learn Conference is all about!

Sign-up by 2/28/18!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Jane Martellino and Melissa Thom, Co-Chairs

Jane E. Martellino
Twitter: @janemartellino
Creator of Charter Oak Children's Book Award: www.cocba.org