Our library copier (the only copier students have access to) has been down for several days awaiting repair. It is also periodically down as the machine quite honestly cannot handle the amount of copying/printing it is required to perform. Despite being a Google school, several of our teachers require that students turn in a printed copy of their assignments in order to receive credit.
My personal feeling is that when the library copier is down, students should be allowed to share assignments with their teachers via Google in lieu of turning in a printed copy (as we cannot provide this for them) and that grades should not be docked for turning in assignments in this manner as this is an equity of access issue.
The teachers further push back saying that students always have the ability to get themselves to our town library to print their work there. However, I still feel that requiring students go to the town library is also an equity of access issue as transportation can also cause a hardship to families.
I would like to know others thoughts on this matter as perhaps I am off base.

| Sincerely, Michele Eligio North Branford High School Librarian 49 Caputo Road North Branford, CT 06471 (203) 484-1465 “Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” ~Sidney Sheldon