I Survived series

Totally True Adventures series

Who Would Win series by Jerry Pallotta

Who Was biography series 

Hamster Princess series 

Jedi Academy series 

Dog Man series 

Origami Yoda series 

My Life As A...series 

Funjungle series

The One and Only Ivan

Anything by Brian Selznick

Strongheart by Candace Fleming 

Kristen Finnegan
Library Media Specialist
Booth Hill Elementary School
Trumbull, CT

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces+kfinnega=trumbullps.org@mylist.net> on behalf of Norton, Keely <KNorton@StamfordCT.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:12:48 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] Hi/Lo titles for middle grades ELL readers
I have some really low level readers, many of whom are ESL and I'd like to get them reading more (Some are even struggling with Dork Diaries). Was hoping this group could suggest some high interest/low (Hi/Lo) fiction books for middle school aged kids. TIA!

Keely Norton
Library Media Specialist
Scofield Magnet Middle School
"Work hard. Be kind."