Hi Aylse and the CASLverse,

I just realized I never emailed out to everyone about my wonderful author visit that I hosted back in December. I had author and illustrator Mike Curato and he was fabulous in every way!

First of all, his presentations were interesting and well timed. He created lovely drawings during each presentation. He included students in this process as art directors. His vibe was lovely- his pacing right on- and his incorporation of different cultures and communities in his presentation was on target and appropriate for the grade level he was presenting to. For example, he was discussing Cuba and why there are old cars there and he said that "The US and Cuba got in a really big fight a long time ago" during his description of Cuba. When discussing his illustrations, he showed his process and how he used real photographs he took as well as the stages of drawing and then coloring. He is a gay, mixed race author/illustrator which was great for me as I try to consider diversity when booking author visits. 

A bonus for you Aylse is that he can easily drive to your school so no extra travel costs as he would be coming from the Northampton area.

If anyone has any additional questions about his visit, feel free to ask! It was a favorite of staff, students, parents, and me!


Sarah Lynch, National Board Certified Library Media Specialist
Wolcott Elementary- West Hartford Public Schools
71 Wolcott Rd., West Hartford, CT 06110
Telephone: 860-561-2300 Ext. 3638

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 8:37 PM, Alyse Castonguay <lovetoread127@gmail.com> wrote:
If you have recently had an author visit at your PreK-2 school and would recommend him/her, please let me know.


:) Alyse
North Street School
Windsor Locks

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