Posting on behalf of AASL’s team of 2018 ALA Emerging Leaders regarding their project on LGBTQ resources/challenges. Their project addresses a concern that came from the AASL Affiliate Assembly. Please share this request with your states:

Hello! We're part of the ALA Emerging Leaders class of 2018, and our mission is to create a resource guide for AASL that you can use when LGBTQ materials in your collection come under fire.

If your school library or district has received challenges to materials in the past, particularly directed at LGBTQ-themes/content, we would like to hear about it. We'd like to use these submissions to create scenarios librarians can use to practice how they handle challenges.

Your submission is anonymous, and we'll do everything in our power, when necessary, to make scenarios generic enough to have happened at any number of libraries.

Please respond by Monday, April 2, 2018:

Thank You!