Check out Google Applied Digital Skills!

Many of the units relate to digital citizenship or content areas and I was able to connect the research to using the databases and works cited.

I used it with high school math, business, and health classes.

(resources for librarians are on the right)

You can try it out and be in a spotlight in the future! See link below!

Mary George
Head of Media
Stamford High

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Date: Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 4:43 PM
Subject: Spotlight on Applied Digital Skills instructors

Applied Digital Skills
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Teacher Spotlights: Amanda + Mary

Teacher Tips

This week, we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on two teachers who are sharing how they use Applied Digital Skills. Amanda and Mary describe their experiences and give personal tips to help you get started with their favorite lessons. To see how the curriculum can be applied to a variety of classrooms – including yours – check out a preview of their stories below, and click through to see the full picture of how they use Applied Digital Skills in their classrooms!

Amanda Alford Amanda Alford, a seventh-grade science teacher, loves how the program allows each student to work at their own pace without falling behind. Her favorite unit? Plan and Budget because "it allows the students to think through real-world situations, such as car loans, cell phone plans, or rent vs. mortgage." Read more.
Mary George Mary George, a high school library media specialist, uses the Explore, Create, Communicate units, like Technology at Work, to teach students how to explore a topic, conduct research, and cite sources. She loves the Applied Digital Skills curriculum because "it gets kids to create and connect what they are learning to real life." Read more.


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Ms. Linda Marchisio
Library Media Specialist
Stamford High School