Hi Barbara,

We have the Gale suite, Infobase video on demand, Today's science and Teen Health and Wellness (both Infobase).  We tried Infobase Science and Health and the material was too difficult for the majority of our students to use.  We have better results with Today's science and teen health and wellness...


Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."
                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Barbara Lyons <lyonsb@wiltonps.org> wrote:
Hello all- we are evaluating our database usage and are wondering if anyone can give feedback on the Infobase products.  We presently subscribe to a suite of ABC Clio databases (Am History, Am Govt, World History Modern & Ancient, Religion, Issues & Controversies).  We are considering a trial of Infobase - it looks as though they have comparable content- wondering about what others may be experiencing.  Thanks! -Barb Lyons

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
(203) 762-0381 x6288

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