Excellent lessons in Google's Applied Digital Skills curriculum -- and lots of ideas being shared about it this week since it is being showcased in classrooms this week by Google and EdTechTeam.


(also, Google advanced search is like a database -- instead of just typing a question in the omni bar)

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:45 AM Pam Begin <pbegin@milforded.org> wrote:
lots of great lesson plans in common sense media

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Dawn Zillich <dzillich@spchs.com> wrote:



My school’s English Department Head has asked me to collaborate in the creation of five research skills lessons for freshmen. In the past I have only taught one class a year that introduces freshmen to databases.


Does anyone have resources (rubrics, lessons, handouts, etc.) they would be willing to share? One of the major complaints I hear from teachers is that students only “google” things and rely on the top results. I’ve been asked to focus on keyword search development.




Dawn M. Zillich, librarian

St. Paul Catholic High School

"The old idea of the librarian as a sort of recluse closeted with his books and

interested only in them is the very antithesis of the modern librarian, who

must live with people equally with books, and who must also be keenly aware

of all that is going on in the world around him."

~Linda A. Eastman~ (Head Librarian of the Cleveland Public Library, 1918 to 1938)



CASL-L mailing list

Pamela Begin
School Librarian 
Google Certified Educator
East Shore Middle School
240 Chapel Street
Milford, CT 06460
CASL-L mailing list

Jacquelyn Whiting
Redding, CT USA