Good Morning,


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There's still time to register for the 6th annual professional development program for K-12 educators, college faculty, librarians, youth media leaders and school and community activists: 


Summer Institute in Digital Literacy

University of Rhode Island Downtown Providence Campus

July 15 - 20, 2018


It's a hands-on, minds-on experience like no other. Have you been wanting to connect the dots between media literacy and digital literacy? This week-long intensive summer program, co-directed by Renee Hobbs and Julie Coiro at the University of Rhode Island, helps you develop leadership skills in digital and media literacy. 


This year's event features media literacy activist Nuala Cabral and her father, the legendary storyteller Len Cabral, whose keynote address is entitled, "Before There Were Screens, There Were Stories." Nuala and Len will consider storytelling in relation to civic and community activism and Nuala will be sharing her experience in bringing Philadelphia's POPPYN students to meet with youth media activists in South Africa. 


Also new this year, NAMLE members are leading special strands that provide deep dive experiences. Renee Hobbs leads a special strand focused on digital literacy in higher education contexts and Yonty Friesem leads a special strand focused on video production. Westerly High School social studies teacher Amanda Murphy leads a special strand for K-12 educators. URI professor Mary Moen leads a special strand for school, public and academic librarians. Scarsdale Public Schools Assistant Principal William Yang leads a special strand on leadership. Join our learning community where everyone learns from everyone! 



Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Digital Library Advisory Board Chair

CT Association of School Librarians Vice President

CECA Board of Directors

EBSCO School Library Advisory Board

#MakerMeetup2018 Organizer


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