We are a 1:1 Chromebook High School and while phones are generally expected to be out of view during class, they are allowed in halls, Commons, and the Media
Center. The students in the MC are spending their free period here and as long as it’s not disturbing others, we don’t monitor their activity. I draw the line at phone conversations, taking photos, or anything I can hear aloud.
Casey LaPlante
Library Media Specialist
Granby Memorial High School
Granby, CT
From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 2:10 PM
To: Michele Eligio <meligio@northbranfordschools.org>; CASL-L@mylist.net
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Cell Phone Policy and streaming music services
We continue to have a strict device policy in our district, with the exception of its use for a classroom activity at the discretion of the classroom teacher. However,
we have allowed students the use of their cell phones in the library as long as it does not interfere with the productivity of others; this includes listening to music with headphones as they work. We tried being the phone police, but it is very difficult,
especially as we are similar in setup with both classes and study hall students using the library. Also, a number of teachers and substitutes use the facility on a daily basis and are constantly on their phones.
We do not allow phone calls, video/photography, sound, or group watching of tv, etc. We have gotten some push back because it is said students only come to the
library because they can use their phones, but I feel like the phones are tools that our students use, whether they are using them for school work or needing some down time during their study hall.
Kristine Emond
Library/Media Specialist
East Hartford High School
East Hartford, CT 06118
From: CASL-L [casl-l-bounces+emond.kp=easthartford.org@mylist.net]
on behalf of Michele Eligio [meligio@northbranfordschools.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:41 PM
To: CASL-L@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] Cell Phone Policy and streaming music services
We just implemented a new restrictive cell phone policy in our district. (No phone use during class. Only acceptable times to use cell phones are during passing times and in the lunch room.)
The problem that is coming up is our student handbook states that "Music listening devices may only be used during study hall time/class at the discretion of the supervising study hall teacher."
The directive in the library was that we were an extension of the classroom and that cell phones were not allowed. However, we also simultaneously have study hall classes in here and of course, students want to
use their cell phones as listening devices.
We do not want to have to "police" the library. We also have a very archaic library that really is several classrooms strung together with the walls down. So, it is extremely difficult to distinguish one area from
another to set up "cell phone free zones" and "cell phone use areas".
So, I was wondering how other libraries who have strict cell phone policies handle this? Is it possible to have streaming services made available to students on a Chromebook as we are 1-to-1? Any assistance/information
you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Sincerely, Michele Eligio North Branford High School Librarian 49 Caputo Road North Branford, CT 06471 (203) 484-1465
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