Windsor partners with the public library to encourage participation in their summer programs and has gone to a "one book, one grade" (plus other-books-of-your-choice model). Each school (with consultation with LMS) chooses the books for the grades in their schools with the idea that the themes will be part of the school culture in the next school year. We try to minimize the accountability piece because the accountability pieces tend to become more about writing rather than encouraging a love of reading. Here is a link to all of Windsor's Summer Reading publications for summer 2018. Also, during the summer, the district promotes reading by giving away books at town pools and at community concerts. We have two reading intervention teachers who drive our "book bike" and "book van." We order tons of discounted books prior to the end of the school year, we organize them, and we give them away to kids during the summer.
Katrina Palazzolo Wicks
Technology Teacher Leader | Library Media Liaison
Windsor Public Schools | 601 Matianuck Avenue | Windsor, CT 06095