Hi All,
I am interested in learning what other elementary schools on a fixed library schedule with a specific library curriculum and progress reports do with regard to Makerspace in the library.
~do you have a Makerspace in the LMC
~do you "teach" a Makerspace class or is the space used by classroom teachers or other teachers
~do you integrate Makerspace into your library curriculum
~if yes, please provide an example or two as to how you connect Makerspace to specific library skills
~how many regular library classes do you teach a week
~do you have any support in the library
~if yes, how many hours per week of support do you have
Thanks so much!!
Bev Bjorklund
Library Media Specialist
Head O'Meadow Elementary School
94 Boggs Hill Rd
Newtown, CT 06470
203 270-6177
"Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing." Cicero