Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Association of School Librarians President

CECA Board of Directors

#MakerMeetup2018 Organizer


From: American Association of School Librarians <>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 11:24 AM
To: Barbara Johnson <>
Subject: AASL Requests Input for New Strategic Plan - Last Day to Contribute!


AASL empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

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Dear Barbara,

In 2019, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) will be developing a new strategic plan that will carry the association forward for the next several years. We are asking for your feedback and input to help guide your national school librarian association forward in the ever-changing and fast paced landscape of K-12 education. If you have already completed the survey - thank you! Just a reminder, all school library professionals are welcome to offer feedback, so please feel free to pass the survey along to your colleagues.

Please use this link to access the survey: Today is the last day to complete the survey and contribute to the future of the association. There are several open ended questions, but if you feel additional feedback or information needs to be shared please send to

Thank you,



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