Good Afternoon,


I was appointed by Commissioner Wentzell (along with three other school librarians) to serve on the Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council (Council). The Council was charged (per P.A. 17-67) with providing recommendations to the Connecticut State Board of Education regarding best practices and methods of instruction in digital citizenship, Internet safety, and media literacy. We are currently working on guidelines to support districts in these three areas.


To assist us in gathering best practices and methods to be included in the guidelines, we are asking Connecticut districts to submit resources (e.g., district Web site, lesson ideas, instructional activities, curricula) in one or all of our focus areas: digital citizenship, Internet safety or media literacy. If you would like to submit resources for consideration of inclusion in the guidelines, please send me a link to your resource(s) by December 14, 2018.


Thank you for your help and interest in this topic. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

As an FYI, one of the recommendations is the staffing and funding of ALL school libraries AND the AASL Standards are referenced and cited in the document!



Barbara Johnson

President, CT Association of School Librarians



Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Association of School Librarians President

CECA Board of Directors

#MakerMeetup2018 Organizer


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