I use ProQuest - eLibrary and SIRS. Love them both. On ResearchIT it is an entiirely different experience - the benefits of school subscriptions is tremendous. School based user name and passwords and citation tools and interface with Drive are features we value highly.

Stephanie Patterson
Southington High School Library 
"Building character with critical thinking, creativity,
 collaboration and communication."

tel: 860.628.3229 x 11335

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> on behalf of Rocca, Jennifer <Roccaj@brookfieldps.org>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:16:56 PM
Cc: Cas-l Listserv
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Gale Databases
I was unclear when I said this the first time:

" Regularly my students find content that is publicly available on different websites. Sometimes those websites are of questionable or indeterminate quality."

What I meant was, inside the Gale database, they would turn up sources that were just websites. If I asked them to evaluate those websites for authority, it was sometimes not clear why this source should be considered authoritative. I was disappointed with Gale for including sources that seemed of questionable value.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:28 AM Rocca, Jennifer <Roccaj@brookfieldps.org> wrote:
We originally let Gale go when the state dropped them and just came back to them this year.

They are much more user-friendly then EBSCO. Regularly my students find content that is publicly available on different websites. Sometimes those websites are of questionable or indeterminate quality. I like Gale better than EBSCO. But we use our ABC-Clio databases far more. ABC-Clio is cheaper, just as user-friendly (if not more), you can still translate and read aloud.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:52 AM Kara Ingalls <kara.ingalls@gmail.com> wrote:
Is renewing Gale worth it if I’m already using Research It CT? As a new LMS I am trying to figure out what to keep and what to cut back on.


Kara Ingalls
Rockville High School
Library Media Specialist

Sent from my iPhone
CASL-L mailing list


Jennifer Rocca
BHS Teacher Librarian
203-775-7725 x-7775

"We are a learning community committed to fostering intellect, respect, and integrity."


Jennifer Rocca
BHS Teacher Librarian
203-775-7725 x-7775

"We are a learning community committed to fostering intellect, respect, and integrity."