---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Barbara Johnson <>
Date: Fri, Nov 23, 2018, 1:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: NESLA post-conference free webinar
To: President CASL <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carol Gordon <>
Date: Fri, Nov 23, 2018, 1:24 PM
Subject: NESLA post-conference free webinar
To: Amanda Kozaka <>, anita celluci <>, Anna Bolognani <>, Barbara Johnson <>, Caitlin Bennett <>, Caitlin Classen <>, Carol Gordon <>, Carolyn Markuson <>, Carrie Tucker <>, Chris Barlow <>, Deb-Ehler-Hansen <>, Donna Sullivan_MacDonald <>, Karen Abraham <>, Kathy Lowe <>, Laura Luker <>, Lisa Girard <>, Martine Larocque <>, Mary Ellen Minichiello <>, rachel hopkins <>, Reba Tierney <>, Sarah Huniche <>, Sarah Morenon <>, Shelley Stedman <>, Tina Taggart <>, Susan Ballard <>, Zilonis, Fran <>

Dear Colleagues.
Credo Reference, one of our sponsors for Dancing with the Stars, our 100th anniversary conference, is sponsoring a free webinar that takes place on Dec. 12th at 2pm. 

Christopher Harris and I will be discussing the challenges and opportunities that our four conference themes present to the New England region. We will be discussing Literacy and Learning, Equitable Access and Digital Equity to School Library Programs, Educating School Librarians as Leaders, and Evidence-based Practice for the Sustainability of School Libraries.

Would you please disseminate the attached flyer to the members of your school library associations. The flyer contains the information needed to log into this live webinar. There will also be a recorded version for those who are unable to attend.

We hope that association members who could not attend the conference, as well as those who have attended, are able to participate in the webinar.

Thanks for all your support for NESLA.

Carol Gordon. President
New England School Library Association