Hi Jennifer,

We sometimes work the with the same goals, sometimes not.  Regardless, we always team up with a different teacher and set of students that we work with throughout the year, so we are using different student data/results.  We have such a large faculty, that we have many options.  It also depends on what initiatives we want to try or what teachers are looking for in terms of support.  I hope this helps.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need more information/clarification.


Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."
                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 7:48 AM Rocca, Jennifer <Roccaj@brookfieldps.org> wrote:
Hello all,

If you are in a school with more than one librarian, I'd like to talk about goals.

Do you use the same SLO's? Do you evaluate the same group of students? 

Historically, we have used the same goal for the same group of students. We are observed separately but our goal data has been the same. This year our new evaluator said that this will not be acceptable because our data has to reflect the instruction *we* gave the students and not be ... muddied... by instruction from the other librarian. I'm not sure this is possible. We work with all of the students. Delineating who teaches which students seems... unrealistic.

How do you handle goals if you work with another librarian?


Jennifer Rocca
BHS Teacher Librarian
203-775-7725 x-7775

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