Thank you everyone for the suggestions! You can keep all suggestions coming, but I just want to clarify: we are specifically looking for a database (as opposed to a website or book series). We do require students to use those kinds of sources (we love the Occupational Outlook Handbook), but they have plenty from which to choose. They are required to use at least 2 database sources in addition to those books and sites. That's the gap we are looking to fill (if we stop our Choices subscription). 

Thanks again for your suggestions. We will need to start researching. :)

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:09 AM Isabel M <> wrote:

What databases do you all purchase at the high school level for students to research careers (for papers, not for Guidance program purposes)?

In addition to our catalog offerings, websites, and general databases, we have been using Choices Career Explorer for years and found it to be a great career-focused database where students could get a solid overview source. Their product has changed a bit, and we are debating whether we should stick with it or try something new. If we tried something new, we would want it to be comparable to what Choices offers: good overview information that touches upon each career's skills, education, salary range, employment forecast, working conditions, work values, etc. (They often have interviews and additional resources to offer, as well.) 

If you've had good experiences with any other career-themed databases, please let us know. :)

Thank you,

Isabel Meagher
Glastonbury High School