Hi Sarah,

Just some thoughts....will you be highlighting important main ideas/details as you model?  Could students help contribute as a whole group to what they think is most important (contribute to what should be highlighted and why)?  Then shut off the projector and create the bulleted listed.  I am thinking this will help them become involved in the process, then remember what they feel is important to jot down in their list.  

Could you create a Padlet to have everyone contribute to what they think is important to bullet so that everyone can share in one place and be able to see each other's responses (or something similar).  If your a Google school, you can do this in Classroom... 

Students can also share their bulleted ideas with a partner and they can come up with a complete list together.  If you wanted to extend it, they could create something from their important ideas (bulleted information) on a word cloud generator, create a poem or song/rap with the ideas they got (this may be too much for what you are looking to do). 

Not sure if any of these ideas will work for you, but I thought I'd share.  

Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist
Manchester High School

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."
                                                       - Jorge Luis Borges

On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:51 AM Sarah Dolan-Adamec <SDolan-Adamec@griswoldpublicschools.org> wrote:

Hi Everyone J


I’m in my second year as a middle school LMS, and I’m trying to brainstorm the best ways to model/teach students to take bulleted notes. I’m thinking about finding a high interest article in our GALE database (or one pertaining to a specific topic they are focusing on in class), projecting the article on the Smart Board, reading a paragraph aloud, turning off the projector, and asking the students to write or type the important facts down in short bulleted notes, etc. I’ve found that looking away has helped to prevent plagiarism and allows students to jot down only the most important details- as they go back and forth… but I’m wondering if anyone knows of other good lessons or resources pertaining to this...


Thank you so much!


-Sarah J

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