We are holding our 8th annual Teaching and Learning with Technology conference on Wednesday, May 15 on the University of Connecticut’s Storrs campus. What began as a conference for K-12 educators on teaching and learning with iPads has expanded beyond iPads to include Chromebooks and other cloud-based computing options.


If you would be interested in presenting to K-12 educators about teaching and learning with some aspect of technology (we particularly need topics of interest to high school teachers), please visit our website (http://ipad.education.uconn.edu) and click on the REQUEST TO PRESENT tab at the top of the page. We are accepting proposals until March 1. You can also see descriptions of last year’s sessions on our website. We will let you know later in March if your presentation will be included in the program. If your presentation is accepted, we can provide free conference registration, mileage to and from UConn, free parking, and lunch during the day.


We hope you will join us this year even if you don’t present. Conference registration is now open at (http://ipad.education.uconn.edu). We think it will again be an exciting day. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.




Del Siegle, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs

Director, National Center for Research on Gifted Education

Professor, Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development

Neag School of Education

University of Connecticut

249 Glenbrook Road Unit 3064

Storrs, CT 06269-3064

office: 860-486-0616

fax: 860-486-0210




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