Tomorrow is the start of #LoveTeaching week and the 2019 CT Teacher of the Year cohort has been asked to spread the word. I would be thrilled to have you join us in a week-long celebration of the teaching profession!


#LoveTeaching Week is a grassroots campaign started by teachers in 2015 as an opportunity to celebrate teaching, leading, and learning in a way that unites and invigorates educators and those they inspire all around the world. Each year, Valentine's Day marks the beginning of a week-long conversation that aims to illuminate why teachers enter and remain in the field of education, offering a mindset shift from the seemingly singular focus on the challenges of the profession.


To participate, simply TWEET a photo with your six word story written on a speech bubble, whiteboard, chalkboard, smartboard, artist easel etc. to #LoveTeaching and tag me in the photo @technojohnson!

Not a tweeter? Simply send me your picture and I will get it out there!


Get creative with your message and invite others to join in!


Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Association of School Librarians President

CECA Board of Directors

#MakerMeetup2018 Organizer


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