


Understanding Grant Guidelines &
Responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Careful review and response to grant guidelines are critical elements to winning a grant award. This course provides greater detail about the grant proposal submission process. It covers the basics such as: organizing grant documents, determining whether and how to respond to a grant request for proposal, reading and reviewing grant guidelines, forming organizational talking points, delegating grant writing tasks to a team and more. The course covers weighted review criteria popular with grant makers today and how to address exactly the points presented. Participants will walk away with a criteria checklist and process that can be applied to any guidelines or RFP process.


After completing this course, learners should be able to do the following:

·         Develop an organized approach to respond to funding opportunities;

·         Organize grant writing projects and teams;

·         Set up a grants management process;

·         Collect supporting documentation;

·         Determine organizational competencies;

·         Estimate project costs and schedule.

Who Should Attend?

·         Grants managers who need a more efficient way of responding to funding opportunities.

·         Grant writers who need help organizing proposal responses.

·         Individuals who require an introduction to grants management.

·         Any individual who needs help estimating project resource costs and time.

This workshop is taught by Ira Revels. This is an in-person workshop taking place at the Middletown Library Service Center.

Cost: Free
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
9 am to 12:30 pm
Middletown Library Service Center (MLSC), 786 South Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457
To register, visit

(The snow date for this session is Wednesday March 13, same time, same location.)

Comments from evaluations from a previous class:

"Ira Revels was a terrific, knowledgeable and focused presenter."

"Thank you for the list of funding resources and for your expertise! A wonderful presentation,"

"Also liked comments on how to convey passion for project in grant writing"

"Excellent, excellent, so much to learn"


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