Hi Leslie,
We struggle with this issue as well.  We have a charging station in the library, but each classroom has four-five AC chargers so that students can plug in their Chromebooks and charge them in class.  The cords are a lot cheaper than purchasing charging stations, and this system reduces the number of loaner Chromebooks signed out each day from the library.  It's not a perfect system, but it certainly helps.  

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 4:07 PM Leslie Poulos via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
Hello library colleagues

We are a 7/8 middle school and were fortunate to go 1:1 this year with Chromebooks-and our students take them home at night. Understanding that there will always be some need for loaners with middle school students, we are finding that a significant number of students are not charging their chromebooks regularly and are unprepared for class. They come to get loaners from us.

We have talked to kids, helped them set reminders on phones, sent letters home when they borrow 3 times a month, emailed parents, etc but still are finding this to be very time consuming and disruptive to learning/classroom instruction/library. We don’t have charging stations in every room- just a few strategically placed in building- one per team and in the library.

1. Do you have charging stations in each room?
2. Do you have loaners in classrooms or in library?
4. Do you have a cut off time for getting loaners in library? First few periods only?
3. Are there any disciplinary consequences for chronic offenders? On team? Office?

We need to revisit this issue, especially with SBAC coming up and the need for students to come with charged devices-and are looking for ideas from others.

Thank you!

Leslie Poulos
Silas Deane MS
Sent from my iPhone

CASL-L mailing list

Cheryl A. Robertson
Library Media Specialist

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty.  It should be offered as a gift." ~Kate DiCamillo

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