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From: CT Library Association <editor@ctlibraryassociation.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019, 4:21 PM
Subject: Legislative Action Alert!
To: <president@ctcasl.org>



Connecticut Library Association

Connecticut Library Association

Dear CLA Members,
The Governor's budget is out. The good news is that funding for the State Library was not cut. However, we have sustained cuts over the past few years, and we need to keep our message of support for Connecticut libraries strong, and to even focus on our message of RESTORING funding levels in key areas.
Here's how you can help:

The Appropriations Subcommittee for Elementary and Secondary Education (the subcommittee that oversees/recommends library appropriations in the CT budget) will be holding public hearings on Wednesday, March 6 beginning at 4:00pm, Room 2C of the Legislative Office Building. There are 4 ways you can advocate for libraries:

  1. IF YOUR LIBRARY OR YOU PERSONALLY are represented by one of these legislators on the Education Subcommittee (Senate Dems Abrams (Chair), Flexer, Kushner; Senate Republicans Somers; House Dems Rosario (Chair), Abercrombie, Candelaria, Currey, Gibson, Johnson, Porter, Simms; House Republicans McCarty, Kokaruda, Cade, Bolinsky, Hall, Lavielle) please contact them NOW. Complete contact info is in the link below. Explain why it is important to support libraries. Use the CLA Legislative Agenda and CLC information for talking points. Use specific, moving examples from your own library and/or your own life. 
    Elementary & Secondary Education Subcommittee Members with contact info
    Find your legislator & contact info
  2. Submit official written testimony to the subcommittee, which will become part of the public record. Testimony should be in a Word or PDF document and emailed to apptestimony@cga.ct.gov. Please reference the hearing date, March 6. Your testimony can cover all of CLA's talking points, or just ones of particular meaning to you. Note that your document will be posted online.
  3. If you are a strong advocate for libraries and are comfortable testifying, please join us March 6 to make your voice heard. Contact CLA at cla@ctlibrarians.org to be added to the list. Be advised that your turn may be any time from 4:00pm until late at night; the order is determined by lottery that day. Prepare your remarks in advance and limit them to 3 minutes. Here are some tips.
  4. Not up for testifying? Attend the public hearing to show your support.
Many thanks,
CLA Legislative Committee

This email was sent to president@ctcasl.org by CT Library Association
of Connecticut Library Association
234 Court St. Middletown, CT 06457
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