Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.




Usage statistics for researchIT CT's downloadable eAudiobooks and eBooks during the month of February  2019 are now available at the web addresses below.


Usage Statistics:


At the above address you will find our usage statistics within boxes, including eAudiobooks by year and eBooks by year. The direct link to each of those for the year 2019 is as follows:


eAudio Books 2019 (right-hand column, top)


eBooks 2018 (left-hand column)


Within the boxes are links to usage reports in Excel format. Since I adopted consortia reporting format last month, you can now search for your library by name in column A to gather your statistics.  For the time being I will continue to include patron bar code prefixes for those who want to search for their  library's bar code prefix within the library named iConn in column A. This applies to downloadable eAudiobooks and eBooks.




Eric Hansen | eGO and researchIT CT Coordinator | |Office: (860) 704-2224
Division of Library Development | 786 South Main Street Middletown CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228
