Library Technology Certificate

Nationally Recognized Provider by the American Library Association ALA-LSSC

This fully online program is for anyone who works in a library or is interested in a career in libraries.


Fall 2019 Courses


LIB K201 – Digital Resources (3 credits)                                                 (Required)

This course deals with the selection, management, creation, use, and assessment of library digital resources such as digital collections, online subscriptions, government, genealogical, and historic databases. Students practice digitizing primary sources and will catalog artifacts with metadata. They will also write a short e-book.  Grant writing skills are developed by writing a project grant for a new digital collection. Other technologies used in libraries today will be explored. 


LIB K120 – Literature for Children (3 credits)                                         (Elective)

A critical study of literature for children and young adults, this course is designed to introduce students to the basic elements of bringing readers and literature together. Included are literary forms such as folklore, poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction. Students will learn about quality titles, authors and illustrators, as well as publishing of literature in print, media, and e-book formats.  Library programming for children and YAs will be explored.  Stages of childhood and adolescent development, best internet sites for youth, rules for safe navigation, legal and policy issues, including the rights of minors, regarding youth services in libraries, the value of cooperating with schools and other organizations, are all topics that will be studied.


LIB K202 – Field Placement (90-hr. Internship) (3 credits)                     (Elective)

This internship provides authentic work experience in a library or museum.


Application and Registration:


Additional Information:


Marie C. Shaw, Ed. D., Program Coordinator, Library Technology Certificate
 Recognized as a Provider by the American Library Association - Library Support Staff Certification (ALA-LSSC)
Three Rivers Community College
574 New London Turnpike
Norwich, CT  06360