If anyone applies for this, I’m available for adoption if you are willing to include me in a professional development event near Bristol.




Dawn M. Zillich, librarian

St. Paul Catholic High School


"Until it is clear that a library is the portal of learning, students will be without the means to accomplish their essential, lonely task. Libraries are the common intellectual meeting ground of individualized learners,"  -- Diane Ravitch, education historian/policy analyst, and NYU professor.





From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces+dzillich=spchs.com@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Shelley Stedman
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 5:10 PM
To: CASL GROUP LIST <casl-l@mylist.net>
Subject: [CASL-L] Fwd: [Cosslc] Apply for "AASL District Kits for the National School Library Standards"




Begin forwarded message:


From: Jennifer Maurer via Cosslc <cosslc@wyldnetwork.org>

Subject: [Cosslc] Apply for "AASL District Kits for the National School Library Standards"

Date: April 17, 2019 at 1:17:21 PM EDT

To: "cosslc@wyldnetwork.org" <cosslc@wyldnetwork.org>

Reply-To: Jennifer Maurer <jennifer.maurer@state.or.us>


FYI, in case you missed the announcement from AASL and want to share about the opportunity.




AASL, in partnership with Bound to Stay Bound Books, has created kits for district-level staff to offer professional development about theNational School Library Standards. From the press release:


…Fifty kits will be available in 2019 and fifty kits will be distributed in 2020 through an application process. For more information and to apply, please visit standards.aasl.org/kit_request

Each kit includes materials to support the facilitation of seven hours of professional development. These materials include a facilitator handbook, all necessary handouts, a National School Library Standards Card Game, and $50 grant for refreshments and supplemental materials…

Priority will be given to districts providing professional development to a group of solo school librarians, school librarians from combined small school districts, or larger districts that will incorporate outlying solo librarians or smaller districts. The applicant must be a current, personal member of AASL…





Jen Maurer, MLS  
School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon

jennifer.maurer@state.or.us | 503-378-5011 | www.oregon.gov/library/libraries


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