We use these: 

 Proquest: eLibrary and SIRS

Infobase Learning: America at War online
Bloom's Literary Criticism
Classroom Video on Demand (love this)
Issues & Controversies in American History

ABC-CLIO: American Govt
American History
Health & Wellness
World Hist-Modern Era

ABC CLIO has an interesting layout of topics and it is fairly new for us. 

Britannica - a district-wide license

Some classes use ResearchIt, but that is a big pond to jump into.

Stephanie Patterson
Southington High School Library 
"Building character with critical thinking, creativity,
 collaboration and communication."

tel: 860.628.3229 x 11335

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> on behalf of Jennifer Crutchfield <jennifer.vernali@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:15 AM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] Facts on File for high school
Does anyone have experience with the Facts on File databases compared to Gale In Context resources for high schools? I've been considering switching because of the cost difference. Any advice is much appreciated.

Jennifer Crutchfield